
钕磁铁 are produced on the basis of Nd-Fe-B alloys and have the highest (BH)max value nowadays.它们是基于Nd-Fe-B合金生产的,具有最高的(BH)max值。 Neodymium ring magnets are circular in shape with a hollow center.钕环形磁铁是圆形的,中心是空心的。 Besides the conventional axial magnetized or diametrically magnetized ring magnets,除了传统的轴向磁化或径向磁化环形磁体, 径向环形磁铁 are also available in SDM Magnetics.在SDM Magnetics中也可用。 Neodymium ring magnets are easy to corrode under humid environment and is necessary to covered with a protective coating.钕环形磁铁在潮湿环境下容易腐蚀,并且需要覆盖一层保护涂层。
