
铁氧体磁铁 are a ceramic material which made by mixing and calcining large proportions of iron oxide blended with small proportions of one or more additional elements.是一种通过混合和煅烧大比例的氧化铁与小比例的一种或多种其他元素混合而成的陶瓷材料。 Besides holding applications, the most representative application of ferrite ring magnets is the loudspeaker.除固定应用外,铁氧体环形磁体最有代表性的应用是扬声器。 Regular ferrite ring magnets are magnetized via axial direction, and actully,普通铁氧体环形磁体通过轴向磁化, SDM 还可以提供径向磁化,多极磁化和单极磁化的铁氧体环形磁体。
