
Cows eat everything from grass and dirt which include nails and wires.牛吃掉草和泥土中的所有东西,包括钉子和铁丝。 Cows do not use lip to distinguish between different material and do not completely chew before swallowing.母牛不使用嘴唇来区分不同的物质,并且在吞咽之前不会完全咀嚼。 The dirt objects tend to lodge in the honeycombed walls of the reticulum, thus directly threatening the surrounding vital organs and causing irritation, inflammation and even worse which knew as污物倾向于滞留在网状蜂窝壁中,从而直接威胁周围的重要器官,并引起刺激,发炎甚至更糟,这被称为 硬件疾病。 Hardware disease will lead to cows to lose appetite, decrease milk output or the ability to gain weight.硬件疾病会导致奶牛食欲不振,产奶量减少或体重增加。 Cow magnets are a veterinary medical device which utilized in treatment and prevention of hardware disease.牛磁铁是一种用于治疗和预防硬件疾病的兽医医疗设备。 Farmers and veterinarians use cow magnets to fight hardware disease by attracting ferromagnetic matters from rumen and reticulum.农民和兽医使用牛磁铁通过吸引瘤胃和网状组织中的铁磁物质来对抗硬皮病。 Cow magnets are inserted into the cow's mouth by farmers or veterinarians, then lodge in cow's second stomach and attract stray metal on its way by.奶牛的磁铁被农民或兽医插入牛的口中,然后停留在牛的第二胃中,并在途中吸引杂散的金属。 Finally holding it in a safe place.最终将其保存在安全的地方。



型号 材料 尺寸 外观
A系列 铝镍钴 D12.7 x 76.2毫米 牛磁铁-1
B系列 铁氧体在乐堤港 D15.875 x 76.2毫米 牛磁铁-4
C系列 铁氧体/环氧树脂涂料 65 x 16 x 13mm 牛磁铁-3
D系列 铁氧体/不锈钢 D18.5 x 79毫米 牛磁铁-6
E系列 铁氧体/ ABS D35 x 100毫米 牛磁铁-2
F系列 钕玛格网/不锈钢 D12.7 x 76.2毫米 牛磁铁-5