
针对 烧结钕铁硼磁体, Aluminum is an ideal surface treatment solution to the from the perspective of anti-corrosion and mechanical strength.从抗腐蚀和机械强度的角度来看,铝是一种理想的表面处理解决方案。 The potential difference between Aluminum and Neodymium magnet substrate is quite low which will help magnet avoid electrochemical corrosion.铝和钕磁铁衬底之间的电势差非常低,这将有助于磁铁避免电化学腐蚀。 Aluminum coating will obtain a homogenous, dense, and corrosion resistant layer under the atmospheric environments.铝涂层将在大气环境下获得均匀,致密且耐腐蚀的涂层。 It should be pointed out that the corrosion products of aluminum coating are non-toxic.应该指出的是,铝涂层的腐蚀产物是无毒的。 In the meanwhile, the corrosion resistance, color, and abrasion of Aluminum coating can be further improved by the subsequently anodizing or electrolytic coloring.同时,可以通过随后的阳极氧化或电解着色进一步改善铝涂层的耐腐蚀性,颜色和耐磨性。 Aluminum plating process of sintered Neodymium magnets is mainly utilizing ion vapor deposition (IVD) technology which developed by烧结钕磁铁的镀铝工艺主要利用离子气相沉积(IVD)技术,该技术由 麦当劳道格拉斯公司 for United States Air Force.美国空军。 The initial intention of Aluminum coating is to replace historically Cadmium coating in aerospace and commercial market.铝涂层的最初意图是在航空航天和商业市场上取代历史上的镉涂层。 Thus Aluminum coated magnets are also manufactured and served for many advanced applications.因此,铝涂层磁铁也被制造出来并用于许多高级应用。



  • 铝涂层磁铁具有出色的厚度均匀性。
  • 明显的耐高温性。
  • 在表面处理过程中无氢脆现象。
  • 优异的防腐能力。
  • 出色的粘合耐久性。
  • 排气量极低,因此在真空应用中表现良好。


  • 外观:亮银色。
  • 涂层厚度:10-30μm。
  • 盐雾测试:超过100小时。
  • 气候测试:超过500小时。
  • PCT和HAST:超过200小时。
  • 工作温度:小于400摄氏度。